Jamie Fenwick is a holistic coach and a PSYCH-K® facilitator. She also holds a Bachelor’s and a Masters degree in Psychology.

Jamie helps highly capable yet overextended Moms reconnect to themselves, their power, and their intuition. Jamie works with her clients to gain the clarity and confidence they need to identify what is no longer serving them, what they actually want, and the healing and action needed to make real, sustainable change.

 Jamie has a unique ability to make you feel “seen,” understood, and less alone.  The empathetic and honest space she provides leads to open and vulnerable conversation that promotes healing, positive momentum, and growth. She intentionally and patiently listens while providing validation to your experiences – small and big.  Whether you are struggling with Motherhood, would like to improve your relationships, are tired of feeling like you are falling short, or have lost your sense of purpose in life, Jamie can be the guide that brings you back to yourself.

 Jamie’s training and natural gifts provide a clear path for you to focus on what isn’t working by breaking it down into achievable action steps that are trackable. This allows you to look at your progress and celebrate your successes. She will be your biggest cheerleader and make sure you pause to reflect on how far you have come while also challenging you to reach your highest potential.

Jamie Fenwick

Holistic Coach

Holistic Coach & Psych K Facilitator 

IG - @jamiefenwickcoaching