
Katelyn Lee

Psychic, Medium, PSYCH-K

I did not have a defining “I see dead people” moment as a child. It wasn’t until I had my first mentor session when everything clicked, and I was face-to-face with a gift and my life’s purpose. The painful ending to a relationship was the final and pivotal factor I needed in opening myself up to what the Universe had planned for me; and just like that, I started to receive signs. Ironically, signs that I still chose to ignore. It first started with pennies I would find on top of my car, and perfectly fluffed white feathers in my kitchen sink. Both pennies, and feathers are believed to be gifts from Heaven. When that wasn’t enough, the Universe sent me Heaven’s messenger, the hawk.

For a month straight I would come home to Hawks just hanging out at my house. Then “they” (my angelic spirit guides) really upped the ante while I was in my most vulnerable place, the space between half awake and half asleep. This is where they started to call my name. By answering Universal pings (the urge to do something for no reason) I found a mentor.

I went from an untrained Empath to a well trained Psychic Medium. It’s complex but simple: I. Talk. To. Dead. People. Actually, I can do way more than that, but that aspect really gets the crowd going. The path to psychic development is ugly. It’s lonely and sad. It's doubting and feeling misunderstood. It's constantly asking yourself “what is it all for?”

So what did I do this all for? You. So you can heal. So you can understand. So you can find peace, elevate, and remember the feeling of unconditional love. So you can help others.

Katelyn's Services

Contact me - psychickatelynlee@gmail.com Booking please visit the link below:

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As a Psychic Medium, Katelyn reads your energy and the energy around you. Together you will identify any emotional blocks that are holding you back, and welcome any channeled messages from Spirit, Angels, or your passed loved ones. It’s easiest to consider Katelyn a therapist for the soul. You will leave a session with Katelyn feeling lighter. The goal is to give you the guidance necessary to navigate your own life and work with your own intuition while reminding you that you're never alone. 

About My Readings